A Drizzle in the Desert

Abhi has no reasons to complain – he lives in the land of dreams, the United States of America. He is working in a large retail conglomerate and has the trust and respect of his management. He is being offered the opportunity to set up the operations in India for the company. His best friend from IIT is his colleague. He is married to the girl he loves. He has an angel for a daughter. Yet, he suddenly finds his life spiraling downward.

His wife Anjali suspects him of having an affair with his best friend, Deepali, who is undergoing marital problems. Anjali refuses to shift to India with him. She also does not like Abhi’s father Sundaram dedicating his life to an unrelated person, Vasudevan – a man whom even Abhi loves like a father. Moving to India, Abhi is burdened by a request – Vasu’s last wish that Sundaram hopes Abhi will be able to fulfil. It seems like a tall order, but it is something on which rests his father’s and Vasu’s happiness. Will Abhi be able to fulfil this request? Will Anjali understand and accept him and the situation? Will Deepali find happiness? Will there be a drizzle in the desert? Will life bring back the lost happiness? A Drizzle in the Desert is a soulful journey drenched with emotions and built around relationships that every one of us would relate to.

